Last month was Safe Work Australia’s National Health Month for all tradies across Australia, and we thought it was a good idea to give you a quick rundown of the most pertinent facts that were highlighted during the month, so that you can have a better understanding of the best health and safety practises when you are looking to use a trade industry company.
Responsibility of safety
It is true that the legal responsibility to uphold the Work Health and Safety (WHS) standards of Australia lies with the Commonwealth, states and various territories within their jurisdictions. The company you use,however, should still show a responsibility towards creating a safe workspace for its employees and clients.
The costs of poor safety
It is unfortunate that not following WHS regulations can and often does lead to illness, injury, or even death. It is difficult to put a number to the emotional damage that occurs from work related injuries, but we can look at the financial cost, and it is a prohibitive amount: In 2012 the costs of work related injuries cost the Australian economy $61.8 billion. This means that if the company you are using is not adhering to WHS requirements, they may be contributing to higher costs and unsafe workers.
Good work design
While it is the company you want to employ’s responsibility to ensure that they adhere to WHS standards, you can always ask them what their policy is regarding the protection of their workers and what they are doing to improve on workers’ health and wellbeing. These factors contribute directly to the success and productivity of the company.
It is important to know that good work starts at the planning phases of the project, where you will often have the most input. Make sure you work with a company that ensures that the safety of its workers is factored into the project’s requirements.
If you want to work with a hazardous materials company that is proud to adhere to the applicable WHS regulations, contact the GBAR Group today.
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