Asbestos is a mineral that’s been used in Sydney since the late 1900s in many buildings, including homes and schools, as well as commercial structures like shopping malls and office buildings. It was also used as a fire retardant, an insulator and even an aid to building structures. While it was once considered to be a miracle product, asbestos has since been banned in many countries due to its harmful effects on humans.
This is why asbestos removal in Sydney has been a major concern for residents, who are often unaware of the dangers of asbestos.
Asbestos and its presence in Sydney homes
Asbestos is a fibrous mineral used in building materials, insulation and textiles. It was commonly used in Sydney, Australia, until it was banned. To this day, asbestos remains a public health issue as it is still found in many homes and commercial buildings built before the 1900s.
The presence of asbestos can be dangerous to your health if you disturb it or damage its protective covering, causing potential lung cancer and mesothelioma. Even though most public buildings have already been inspected for asbestos and removed if necessary, there are still many homes built before they were required by law to be inspected for asbestos.
If you live in an older home or are considering buying an older home, you should get your home inspected to ensure that any asbestos has been removed properly. If you are concerned that there may be asbestos in your home or workplace, contact the professionals from the GBAR Group — we assist with the testing of suspect materials and safe removal.
Sydney asbestos regulation
The city of Sydney is committed to ensuring that residents and businesses in the area are safe from all kinds of asbestos. Asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) can be found in buildings constructed between the 1950s and the 1990s, so it’s important to know your rights when dealing with ACMs.
Professional and safe asbestos removal in Sydney with the GBAR Group
Asbestos removal in Sydney is a complex process that requires experienced professionals who know the ins and outs of asbestos abatement. Asbestos removal in Sydney is becoming more common as people become more aware of the dangers of asbestos. Whilst there are costs involved, they are worth it for your health and safety.
If you need to have asbestos removed, trust the GBAR Group. We have all the certifications and insurance needed for industrial asbestos removal and residential and commercial asbestos removal in Sydney. Our team of highly trained operatives can remove your home’s asbestos materials rapidly without risking anyone’s health. Contact us today if you want to learn more about the dangers of asbestos and how to remove it safely.